Monday, July 11, 2011


Even on days when I try not to or just plain don't want to eat red meat, after a few days my body is screaming at me to have it. I wonder if I had more veggies today would it have still been screaming. I don't know. I had beans and everything too so it couldn't have been just protein. I think I'm hardwired to eat meat... well, it comes in handy.

Doing a lot of spiritual stuff or letting your mind travel to higher dimensions can make you feel really ungrounded. Out of sorts and not in touch with your body, mind very obviously urged me (while half-asleep) to have some red meat. There was bacon left, so I defrosted it and had two strips. I feel less like the universe is being siphoned into my head. Sounds cool, but I'm not meant to process that much raw data during my waking hours @_@ This is why I don't need drugs people! Lol

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

The Butterfly

 Image Credit: Frances Fabian

The funniest thing about this picture is what I was talking about when it was snapped. Frances was listening to me moan and groan about the bane of my exsistance. Haha, I guess the butterfly was saying, "Don't worry babe, it'll be all over soon." If so, YES! Emphatic Rarity YES! I have been waiting for so long for "that" situation to get better. It's a shared sit. and ugh... just change already!

The other weird thing is that there were a bunch of cabbage butterflies around that day, but a monarch decided to land on my shoulder. How cool is that?!? Haha, I've heard the color counts for something. Black is complete death as in transformation and orange is joy, laughter, and emotion. I've definitely gone through a super death since then... I feel the good stuff coming soon. Whoa, Dad called me just now, but I'm at my internship--can't pick it up. Ugh! I hope it's good news. I have been doing reiki (and sending it!) for this reason.

Because of the way I am, I want to pull meaning out of the Monarch part of Monarch Butterfly. Should I watch more Venture Brothers? XD I still haven's seen Season 4...

Oh yeah, maybe I will totally "rule" at something? Yes, yes? :D

Edit: whoa, it wasn't a monarch. I looked closely and noticed there is no black surrounding the wing like a typical Monarch butterfly. It's probably some sort of fritillary...